They were given the option of losing their child or having the triplets born early ․․․

Unfortunately, this couple, who were waiting for the birth of their triplets, learned that the life of one of the children was in danger.

Doctors gave Chloe Dastan, 22, and her husband Roan a choice: preterm birth of triplets with all the implications, or saving the lives of only two children.

However, the parents said that they are not going to choose between their children.The smallest of the trio was born weighing only six hundred grams. The mother had to stay with the child in the clinic.

But, thank God, everything worked out in the end. All three kids are safe and sound! They were soon reunited.However, apart from his father, his brothers were also waiting for them at home.

Now, the mother of six children keeps a heartwarming blog about her large family. Almost four hundred people follow him just because of him, they love that family and prayed for them even in difficult moments.

This is the most peaceful and cheerful family, which is an example for every couple who complains that it is difficult to take care of several children at the same time.

They were actually very happy and happy that they had so many children.

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