3-legged puppy fights for his life after his mom wanted to eat him at birth

Nature has some mysteries that are incomprehensible to us and this puppy has been the victim of one of them.

It turns out that the little one was part of a litter of eight that were rejected by his own mommy, but life allowed him to find happiness next to a cat family.

The puppy is now the protected son of some very supportive cats.Puppy
Ale Oviedo knew about the puppy’s case and could not resist helping him. Three of the dog’s siblings had lost their lives because of the mother’s behavior and she would not let the dog become the fourth to die.

In addition, the little one had received an injury to one of his little legs and needed attention.

The woman named the puppy after Nicholas, the survivor.
Ale learned about this case from some friends of her family and decided to intervene to save the puppy. At that time he was only weeks old.

“I met Nicholas when I was more than a week old. Nicholas’s mom ate three of his brothers and was in the process of eating him when someone rescued him,” Ale explained.

When the puppy arrived at the woman’s house, he was coming with his injured paw and Ale knew that she had to watch him very well, but, in addition, she was worried about how her other pets would take the arrival of this member.

The woman was responsible for five other dogs and some somewhat jealous felines but, to her surprise, they adopted him as their own.

Ale couldn’t have been more moved by the situation.

The woman had to heal Nicholas’s little paw and that’s why she cleaned the injury several times a day, at those times the felines came for him to comfort him.

“I fed him every 3 hours and changed the bandage every day. Then they would approach and come for him,” he explained.

With the care of his new family the puppy was gaining strength and confidence. Nicholas was a very fearful puppy before he met Ale, but after sharing with her and her family he knew that life was not so bitter after all.

Over the weeks the puppy began to develop on its own and its paw was healing. Although it was a little difficult for him to learn how to move without being bothered, he ventured to explore the house of the one who had received him.

At that moment Ale knew how curious this puppy was.

For the woman there is no greater satisfaction or reward to those days of attention than to see the helpless puppy become a confident and above all healthy dog. His injury and heart healed thanks to them.

“I did it with great pleasure, with constant care from me, my cats and my other 5 dogs, he turned into a charming dog!” say.

Already recovered, Nicholas enjoys the company of all that family that welcomed him and especially that of the kittens because, paradoxically, they were the ones who adopted him with more love and dedicated themselves to accompany and take care of him in his days of adaptation.

Ale’s intervention changed the fate of the puppy who will now be able to lead a quiet life full of love, something that three of his little brothers did not achieve.

It seems that enjoying this world was something that Nicholas was destined for and now that he lives surrounded by so much love and meows, he will surely grow up very healthy.

In nature there are things difficult to assimilate, but the important thing is that good deeds prevailed over any evil that this puppy could suffer and now he is completely happy.

We are glad to know that the furry will have the happiness that everyone deserves. Bravo to you, Nicholas.

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