A 40-year-old man dies because of a habit that all of us have, one that we should get rid of

Cancer is a ruthless murderer. It does not choose the victim with certain signs, it just kills without hesitation.
The 40-year-old man was diagnosed with retinoblastoma, an eye cancer.

According to a number of studies, the green light radiating from a cell phone screen can cause damage to the cells of the retina.

At the very least, it can impair vision over time. Blue light emitted from cell phones only increases the risk of retinal damage.

The man used his smartphone for at least half an hour before going to bed, which damaged his eye.

Now is the time to think about it and draw conclusions. Get rid of this habit, avoid unnecessary problems and keep your eyes.

The 40-year-old man found out after seeing a doctor that he has eye cancer, and that retinal surgery is very dangerous.

Keep your eyes peeled in the evening and especially at bedtime, even if you have a strong desire to browse social media.

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