The newborn puppy had to undergo euthanasia but the vet had another plan

It happened to Branson, who was born by C-section. His brothers were fine and fed well but Breton had a narrow wind hole and little chance of living.

It was possible to feed the baby in the future, but in the initial period it was not possible to breastfeed. To be ready for surgery, the child had to grow up first.

His master had decided to put him to sleep. The vet did not allow such a thing to happen. When the dog was brought to the lab at the veterinary clinic for surgery, nine puppies were born as a result of cesarean section.

However, one of them was unusual. When his owners wanted to put the poor dog to sleep forever, another vet decided to adopt the animal. He was trying to save the poor animal’s life.

She tried to feed the pup through a tube and had to wake up every one to two hours and feed the dog. Fortunately, the animal’s condition improved within three weeks and he overcame the marriage hurdles.

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