A dog moments away from being slaughtered on a meat farm gently raises its paw to thank its rescuer

A humanitarian company has already closed a farm for many dogs in the United States and will continue to do so until they disappear completely.

The living conditions on these meat farms are heartbreaking, with the dogs being kept in small cages until they are killed.

Here they do not even eat properly and are completely covered with feces. Every day these dogs are waiting with hope for someone to come and help them.

Under these conditions, dogs get sick, and those who are alive are killed.

Fortunately, the Humane Society is doing everything possible to help these dogs finally find normal families.

One of the surviving dogs is Sandie, who fortunately survived but was still scared and alone.

Fortunately, he has now found his loving family and has new friends here. And as a sign of gratitude, the dog raises its paw and thanks.

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