Old-looking cat with rare syndrome has found a home

Many times clinical conditions leave a mark on the body. If a pet has such a problem with an animal, it is unlikely to be adopted. This cat named Toby looks very old because of the wrinkles on his face. But they’re not really wrinkles.

This is called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, in which the skin lacks collagen and looks like this. Fortunately, it is a successful animal. It was very difficult for him to be adopted, he was very shy and always hid.

But fortunately Christopher Lardner and his friend appeared in her life. Although the cat was scared, that didn’t stop them. The couple immediately fell in love with him.

And thanks to their love and patience, everything quickly calmed down. They are convinced that their cat is no different from the others. You just need to know some skills.

Due to the disease found in him, the cat can have many health problems, so you have to be very careful with him. The couple love their latte, which is very important to Toby.

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