She is 63 years old and is known as “the most beautiful grandmother of the world”

Many people today are concerned about the thought of aging and try to avoid it. People use different ointments, creams, different anti-aging agents.However, it is not necessary to use so many chemicals. This sixty-three-year-old model is the best example of that.

Her name is Yazemina Rossi, the French model appeared on the covers of magazines around the world.She began her modeling career in her thirties. She said that once a week she eats olive oil and rubs sugar on her skin, uses canola oil for her hair and eats avocados, as well as organic fish and meat.

She is a true source of inspiration for everyone. Our sleep patterns, rest work patterns and even the way we think about aging contribute to aging.

According to the American Longevity Project, people with well-organized lifestyles live longer than less conscientious people because they take better care of their health and avoid risky behaviors.

It has even been proven that the older people get, the more they need sleep, and less than six hours of sleep a day can even affect mood.

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