Couple comes to pet a puppy on the road and cries at the sight of it being abandoned

A couple have become the true earthly angels for a little dog that was abandoned on the road.

Although time goes by and we are committed to an increasingly empathetic world, we come across stories that reveal the other side, that full of evil where unscrupulous beings do not measure their actions and end up hurting the most innocent.

Fortunately, there are always people willing to add up and show that we good people are much more.

Couple rescues a puppy abandoned on the highway
An example of this is a couple who were driving along a busy road when they saw a small bundle on the side of the road, when they approached they noticed that it was a puppy that was in terrible condition.

It needed immediate medical attention, otherwise it would not survive for long.

Someone had left it there as if it were an old object, or a being without emotions or feelings.

What most caught the couple’s attention were the wounds on the dog’s head, lying motionless on cardboard boxes, his paws broken and covered with a red blanket.

It is possible that whoever abandoned him felt some remorse and covered him with an old blanket to protect him from the cold. But this does not minimise their actions or their responsibility, the damage was done and the only victim suffered without understanding what was happening.

There are many abandoned furries begging for a second chance.

When the couple approached the little furry, he simply surrendered to their caresses, they carefully took him in their arms and carried him to the vehicle, quickly transferring him to a veterinary clinic where he received all the attention he needed.

When they examined him they checked his delicate state of health, the wounds were open and he needed antibiotics and constant treatment to help him heal.

The pain invaded his body, so he was given several painkillers, however, what helped the little dog the most to get out of the difficult situation he was in was the love of his rescuers.

The couple never abandoned him, they stayed with him throughout the recovery process, constantly talking to him softly, cooing to him and encouraging him with their prayers.

It was not easy, one of his legs was badly injured and the medical staff questioned whether he would ever walk again. Surgery was necessary, but despite everything he had been through, he always showed his sweet and patient side with the people around him.

Without a doubt, he was a very brave little dog. The operation was successful, his recovery was long but he had the full support of the couple who, from day one, took him in and treated him as a being who deserves all the love and respect in the world.

The little dog was discharged and continued his recovery in a new home, next to people willing to make him happy and committed to strengthening their bond with each passing day.

It makes our hearts flutter with joy to know that this little dog is with the right people, that he is healthy and loved.

There is no way we can tolerate that more people continue to harm beings who only came into the world to show us true love.

We cannot stop repudiating the behaviour of their former owners, nothing justifies their actions. Let us raise our voices and continue to fight for just causes, for a world where respect and love prevails for all living beings.
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