British couple is the proud parents of unique twin daughters and here is why…

Nicole and Todd Bailey lived in Sweden, they had two very beautiful girls who were twins and very similar to each other.However, one of the children was diagnosed with Down’s syndrome, which is very rare for one of the twin children.

Doctors were unable to identify the condition in the womb, and everything was resolved when Harper was born. They were born forty minutes apart.

After the birth, physicians apologized to the family for failing to recognize the breach, but the couple does not consider Harper’s illness to be a problem and holds no blame on the specialists.

The mother told that the children differed in their appearance, for which the little girl was jealous of the older one.At the same time, the mother of two older daughters is sure that they cannot be compared, because although they are sisters, they are completely different.

Unfortunately, the girl had other health problems and had to be operated on.The little ones also had a brother with whom they could be good friends in the future.

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